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How Societal Issues Impact Your Everyday Life Without You Even Knowing


Health Inequality and Social Justice

One of the most prominent societal issues of our time is health inequality. This issue is deeply intertwined with social justice and the inequitable distribution of healthcare resources. As advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) expand their focus into the societal sector, they are often confronted with the moral imperative to advocate for social justice, especially in healthcare.

APRNs are uniquely positioned to address this issue, as their clinical expertise allows them to recognize disparities in access to healthcare. Equity in healthcare is not only an issue of resource distribution but also a core justice concern. According to the nursing literature, the role of APRNs in promoting social justice is both historic and necessary.

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Societal Issues

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted societal issues, including health inequity. The National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) released a report titled The Future of Nursing 2020–2030, which emphasized the role nurses play in addressing health inequities. APRNs are crucial in leveraging ethics, values, and evidence-informed models to advance health equity and tackle social determinants of health.

To address societal issues effectively, APRNs must utilize their core competencies, such as advocacy, communication, and leadership. They are often called upon to influence health policy reforms that support social justice, particularly in times of crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic.

OccupationFamily Nurse Practitioner (FNP), DNP Student
Career FocusAdvocating for migrant farm workers
Notable WorkProviding healthcare to Hispanic migrants
Key IssuesSocial justice in healthcare, ethical practice
ExperienceScreening for diabetes, heart disease
ReferenceNASEM 2021 Report

The Role of APRNs in Promoting Social Justice

The role of APRNs in advocating for social justice cannot be overstated. They often serve as leaders in healthcare reforms, influencing policies that aim to rectify health inequities. By integrating health and social sectors, APRNs contribute to the well-being of communities, especially vulnerable populations.

APRNs like R.T., who work closely with migrant workers, are acutely aware of the challenges faced by undocumented individuals. R.T.’s journey as an FNP working with Hispanic migrant farm workers is a case in point. She encountered various barriers while trying to secure healthcare for a young man named Antonio, who was suffering from hyperthyroidism.

Barriers to Healthcare Access as a Societal Issue

Antonio’s case is a clear reflection of the broader societal issue of healthcare access for undocumented workers. Societal barriers, such as lack of insurance, language barriers, and fear of deportation, often prevent vulnerable populations from receiving necessary medical treatment. APRNs like R.T. face ethical dilemmas when determining the best course of action, balancing principles of beneficence and respect for autonomy.

Through her experiences, R.T. realized that addressing individual cases wasn’t enough—systemic change was required. She worked to reshape the referral process, making it more accessible for migrant workers. This proactive approach to resolving societal issues demonstrates the critical role APRNs play in healthcare advocacy.

Societal Issues Affecting Healthcare Policy

Healthcare policy is another area where societal issues are highly relevant. Policies that fail to account for vulnerable populations, such as undocumented migrants, exacerbate health disparities. APRNs are often at the forefront of advocating for policy changes that benefit these marginalized groups.

The nursing profession, particularly advanced practice nurses, has a historic legacy of addressing societal issues through policy reforms. R.T.’s involvement in the leadership committee of her region’s NP organization as the governmental affairs chairperson illustrates this point. Through her role, she helps influence healthcare legislation that directly affects both APRNs and the patients they serve.

Societal Issues: Poverty and Its Impact on Health

Poverty is another critical societal issue that directly impacts health outcomes. Individuals living in poverty often face barriers to healthcare access, which can lead to untreated medical conditions, as seen in Antonio’s case. For APRNs, addressing the intersection of poverty and health is a key component of their role in promoting social justice.

APRNs must be adept at recognizing how societal issues like poverty affect patient health. By addressing these broader determinants of health, they contribute to more equitable healthcare outcomes. This role requires a sophisticated understanding of both clinical practice and the socio-economic factors that impact health.

Societal Issues and Healthcare Equity

Equity in healthcare is not just a moral obligation but a societal issue that requires systemic change. As noted in the NASEM report, the future of nursing involves addressing health inequities and promoting social justice through informed healthcare policies. APRNs play a vital role in this transformation, using their clinical expertise and leadership to advocate for patients who are systematically disadvantaged.

Societal issues like income inequality, racial disparities, and access to education also influence health outcomes. APRNs are in a unique position to identify these issues and work toward solutions that promote both individual and community health.


How do societal issues affect healthcare?

Societal issues like poverty, racism, and unequal access to resources create disparities in healthcare. Vulnerable populations often face barriers to receiving adequate medical care, which leads to worse health outcomes.

What role do APRNs play in addressing societal issues?

APRNs advocate for social justice and healthcare equity. Their advanced clinical knowledge and leadership roles enable them to influence healthcare policies and promote systemic change that benefits vulnerable populations.

How has the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted societal issues?

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed significant health inequities, especially among marginalized communities. It underscored the need for healthcare systems to address social determinants of health and for APRNs to lead efforts in promoting health equity.

What is the relationship between social justice and health equity?

Health equity is a key concern of social justice. It focuses on ensuring that everyone has equal access to healthcare resources, regardless of their socio-economic status, race, or immigration status.

How do APRNs advocate for vulnerable populations?

APRNs use their clinical expertise and leadership roles to advocate for policy reforms that address the healthcare needs of vulnerable populations. They also work on the ground to provide direct care and navigate healthcare systems for their patients.

Why is healthcare equity a societal issue?

Healthcare equity is a societal issue because disparities in health outcomes often reflect broader social inequalities, such as income, race, and access to education. Addressing these disparities requires systemic change in both healthcare and social policies.

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