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Bone Broth Health: Benefits for Your Body

Can bone broth help individuals with gut issues or chronic conditions like inflammatory bowel disorder?

Bone Broth Health

Bone broth is a nutrient-rich beverage made by simmering animal bones, typically from beef, chicken, or fish, in water for an extended period (24-72 hours). It can be used as a beverage or as a base for soups, stews, and sauces.


  • Bones are roasted or boiled to release flavor.
  • Bones are placed in a pot with water, vegetables (such as onions, carrots, and celery), herbs (such as parsley and thyme), and spices.
  • The mixture is simmered over low heat for a long time, allowing the bones to release their nutrients and collagen.
  • The broth is strained to remove the bones and solids.


Bone broth is a healthy source of:


  • A protein that supports skin, hair, and joint health.


  • Including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and silicon.

Amino acids

  • Essential for building and repairing tissues.

Bone Broth Health Benefits

While there is limited research on the health benefits, the nutrients in bone broth can be beneficial for:

  • Joint health
  • Bone density
  • Digestion
  • Gut health
  • Muscle growth and recovery
  • Hydration
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Improve skin elasticity and appearance
  • Boost immune system

While research on bone broth’s benefits is still limited, it’s a nutritious and hydrating beverage that supports gut health and recovery after a tough workout. It can be drunk on its own or used in cooking. Bone broth is a delicious way to replenish electrolytes and stay hydrated, whether recovering from a flare-up or an intense workout. It is especially helpful for those dealing with gut issues or chronic conditions like inflammatory bowel disorder.


  • Bone broth is rich in minerals, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and iodine.

Joint Health

  • Collagen is the main source of protein found in bones, tendons, and ligaments.
  • Research suggests that collagen may support joint health, protect the tissues in joints, and improve symptoms of osteoarthritis. (Martínez-Puig D. et al., 2023)



  • Incorporating bone broth into one’s diet can help meet protein goals.
  • One cup of bone broth contains four to 20 grams of protein.

Digestion and Gut Health

  • Colostrum is the first milk produced after giving birth, and some research suggests this may offer immune-boosting benefits and gut repair, but more research is needed. (Playford R. J., & Weiser M. J. 2021)
  • Bone broth contains glutamine, an amino acid that can reduce inflammation in the gut, strengthen the gut lining, and maintain a healthy microbiome.
  • It also contains glycine, which may help quell digestive issues such as acid reflux or GERD, though research is limited. (Wang B. et al., 2015) (Nagahama K. et al., 2012)

Many bone broths are high in sodium and may not be suitable for individuals on low-sodium diets. It is recommended to consume less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day to support a healthy heart, reduce the risk of high blood pressure, look for other sources of sodium, and incorporate bone broth accordingly. (American Heart Association, 2024) Also, because of the polysaccharides that may leach from the cartilage and the garlic and onions usually present in the bone broth, it’s not suitable for those with a digestive disorder like small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) or individuals following a low-FODMAP diet.

What To Look For


  • When possible, choose a bone broth that’s grass-fed and organic.
  • Quality matters because the process of simmering the bones with water pulls all the nutrients, collagen, and protein into the broth.
  • Starting with the highest quality ingredients ensures it will be as nutritious as possible.


  • Various types include chicken, beef, turkey, and bison varieties.


  • Bone broth comes in various packaging, including shelf-stable, frozen, or fresh.
  • When selecting, consider how often it is used, how much is needed, and storage space.
  • For individuals who drink bone broth daily, buying it in bulk and storing it in the pantry or freezer may be more budget-friendly.


  • Generally, bone broth is a thick, slightly viscous beverage.
  • Individuals who prefer a thinner liquid should try a shelf-stable broth, which is usually less gelatinous than frozen bone broths.
  • Powdered bone broth is also a great option for those who prefer a lighter beverage.
  • Individuals can choose a low-sodium bone broth to limit sodium intake.

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop highly effective treatment plans through an integrated approach for each patient and restore health and function to the body through nutrition and wellness, functional medicine, acupuncture, Electroacupuncture, and integrated medicine protocols. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, prevent injury, and mitigate issues through adjustments that help the body realign itself. The clinic can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal problems.

Reducing Inflammation In The Body


Martínez-Puig, D., Costa-Larrión, E., Rubio-Rodríguez, N., & Gálvez-Martín, P. (2023). Collagen Supplementation for Joint Health: The Link between Composition and Scientific Knowledge. Nutrients, 15(6), 1332.

Chen, S., Kim, W., Henning, S. M., Carpenter, C. L., & Li, Z. (2010). Arginine and antioxidant supplement on performance in elderly male cyclists: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 7, 13.

Razak, M. A., Begum, P. S., Viswanath, B., & Rajagopal, S. (2017). Multifarious Beneficial Effect of Nonessential Amino Acid, Glycine: A Review. Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity, 2017, 1716701.

Playford, R. J., & Weiser, M. J. (2021). Bovine Colostrum: Its Constituents and Uses. Nutrients, 13(1), 265.

Wang, B., Wu, G., Zhou, Z., Dai, Z., Sun, Y., Ji, Y., Li, W., Wang, W., Liu, C., Han, F., & Wu, Z. (2015). Glutamine and intestinal barrier function. Amino acids, 47(10), 2143–2154.

Nagahama, K., Nishio, H., Yamato, M., & Takeuchi, K. (2012). Orally administered L-arginine and glycine are highly effective against acid reflux esophagitis in rats. Medical science monitor: international medical journal of experimental and clinical research, 18(1), BR9–BR15.

American Heart Association. Association, A. H. (2024). Lifestyle & Risk Reduction, High Blood Pressure.

Harnessing the Power of the Coconut: Discover its Beneficial Properties

Can coconut be a healthier alternative food option for individuals trying to improve their health and wellness?

The Coconut

Located in the tropical regions around the world, especially in Southeast Asia, the Pacific islands, sunny coastal states in the U.S., and India, the coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) is a monoecious perennial palm that has many uses for people who are looking for alternatives in their dietary needs. Known as the “tree of life,” the coconut has numerous utilities that people can incorporate from food, medicine, and household products. (Beveridge et al., 2022) The outer coconut husk is used in household items, while the coconut fruit is used for food and medicinal purposes, from antibacterial and antioxidant to containing microminerals and nutrients. (DebMandal & Mandal, 2011) This tropical fruit can be used in baked goods, skin products, and food dishes and can help restore the body’s electrolytes. We associate with certified medical providers who inform our patients of the importance of incorporating healthy foods like coconut into a healthy diet. While asking important questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to integrate small changes into their daily dietary intake to feel good. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., envisions this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.

Nutritional Facts

With coconut being a versatile fruit, it has many nutritional benefits. It is classified as a medium-chaired saturated fat absorbed by the body differently and can help reduce LDL-Cs (low-density lipoproteins, reduce cardiovascular diseases, and improve cognitive function. (Hewlings, 2020) When it comes to the nutritional facts of eating one piece of coconut is about:

  • 1 piece of coconut: 45g
  • Calories: 159
  • Total Fats: 15g
    • Saturated fat: 13g
  • Cholesterol: 0mg
  • Sodium: 9mg
  • Potassium: 160mg
  • Total Carbohydrate: 7g
    • Dietary fibers: 4.1
    • Sugar: 2.8g
  • Protein: 1.5g

Coconuts are high in saturated fats and medium-chain fatty, so they can cross the blood-brain barrier and be absorbed, transported, and utilized for energy production for the body. They can also provide beneficial properties to the gut microbiome. (Fan et al., 2022) At the same time, if people drink the water from the coconut, its nutritional facts include:

  • 1 cup of coconut water: 240g
  • Calories: 45
  • Total Fats: 0.5g
    • Saturated fat: 0.4g
  • Cholesterol: 0mg
  • Sodium: 252mg
  • Potassium: 600mg
  • Total Carbohydrate: 9g
    • Dietary fiber: 2.6g
    • Sugar: 6g
  • Protein: 1.7g

Food As Medicine- Video

The Health Benefits Of The Coconut

With the coconut tree being “the tree of life,” the fruit has many beneficial properties for health and wellness. For instance, using coconut oil for cooking has many advantages, such as being resistant to oxidation and polymerization due to its high saturated fatty acid content, being consumed at low levels, and reducing cardiovascular diseases. (Schwingshackl & Schlesinger, 2023) At the same time, when people start to use coconut oil for part of their cooking, they will notice that their body weight decreases. (Duarte et al., 2022). Below are other beneficial properties when people start incorporating coconut into their diet.

Replenish Electrolytes

Many people starting to work out or are physically active can utilize coconut water to replace sports drinks to replenish their electrolytes. When a person is exercising and sweating profusely, water and sodium levels are depleted, thus compromising the cardiovascular system’s ability to maintain a person’s exercise performance. (O’Brien et al., 2023) Hence, drinking coconut water can help rehydrate the body and replenish those electrolytes. At the same time, incorporating a bit of citrus fruit can provide extra health benefits and enhance the flavor of coconut water.

Reduces Blood Sugar

Coconuts can also help lower blood sugar levels, and for diabetic individuals, it can help reduce their blood glucose to healthy levels, regulate their carbohydrate metabolism, and improve their antioxidant capacity to reduce any comorbidities associated with diabetes. (Dai et al., 2021) Additionally, many diabetic individuals can substitute regular sugar with coconut sugar as it has a high nutritional value and a low glycemic index that can be beneficial to moderate glucose absorption. (Saraiva et al., 2023)

Adding Coconut To Your Diet

Many people can incorporate coconut into their diet by eating the fruit, drinking the coconut water, and utilizing it for smoothies and baked goods. By adding coconut to a healthy diet, many people can get their healthy fats in moderation, their electrolytes replenished, and enjoy eating clean, healthy foods. Making small changes by incorporating foods that have antioxidants into a healthy diet can help many people eat healthier and have more energy. At the same time, when people incorporate physical activity with their diet, they will begin to notice small positive changes in themselves and their bodies, thus leading happy, healthier lives.


Beveridge, F. C., Kalaipandian, S., Yang, C., & Adkins, S. W. (2022). Fruit Biology of Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.). Plants (Basel), 11(23).

Dai, Y., Peng, L., Zhang, X., Wu, Q., Yao, J., Xing, Q., Zheng, Y., Huang, X., Chen, S., & Xie, Q. (2021). Effects of coconut water on blood sugar and retina of rats with diabetes. PeerJ, 9, e10667.

DebMandal, M., & Mandal, S. (2011). Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.: Arecaceae): in health promotion and disease prevention. Asian Pac J Trop Med, 4(3), 241-247.

Duarte, A. C., Spiazzi, B. F., Zingano, C. P., Merello, E. N., Wayerbacher, L. F., Teixeira, P. P., Farenzena, L. P., de Araujo, C., Amazarray, C. R., Colpani, V., & Gerchman, F. (2022). The effects of coconut oil on the cardiometabolic profile: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. Lipids Health Dis, 21(1), 83.

Fan, L., Zhu, X., Sun, S., Yu, C., Huang, X., Ness, R., Dugan, L. L., Shu, L., Seidner, D. L., Murff, H. J., Fodor, A. A., Azcarate-Peril, M. A., Shrubsole, M. J., & Dai, Q. (2022). Ca:Mg ratio, medium-chain fatty acids, and the gut microbiome. Clin Nutr, 41(11), 2490-2499.

Hewlings, S. (2020). Coconuts and Health: Different Chain Lengths of Saturated Fats Require Different Consideration. J Cardiovasc Dev Dis, 7(4).

O’Brien, B. J., Bell, L. R., Hennessy, D., Denham, J., & Paton, C. D. (2023). Coconut Water: A Sports Drink Alternative? Sports (Basel), 11(9).

Saraiva, A., Carrascosa, C., Ramos, F., Raheem, D., Lopes, M., & Raposo, A. (2023). Coconut Sugar: Chemical Analysis and Nutritional Profile; Health Impacts; Safety and Quality Control; Food Industry Applications. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 20(4).

Schwingshackl, L., & Schlesinger, S. (2023). Coconut Oil and Cardiovascular Disease Risk. Curr Atheroscler Rep, 25(5), 231-236.
