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Walking Backward to Alleviate Back Pain

Can walking backward on a treadmill aid in treating conditions and injuries, improving strength, gait, and mobility in the lower extremities and knee, hip, and ankle range of motion (ROM)?

Walking Backward On A Treadmill

Walking backward is often used in physical therapy to treat multiple conditions and injuries and help improve strength, gait, balance, and mobility in the lower extremities. It is also used to improve knee, hip, and ankle range of motion and lower back pain and burn calories.

The Difference Backward vs. Forward

The difference from forward walking is that certain motions are normal gait characteristics.

  • First, the leg swings through the air, and the heel lands on the ground.
  • Then, the straight knee bends slightly as you roll from heel to toe.
  • As this occurs, the opposite leg rolls from the toes and up into the air.
  • This heel-to-toe motion repeats, and normal walking takes place.

Reverse walking creates the opposite gait process.

  • The leg swings through the air and reaches backward with a bent knee.
  • The toes contact the ground, and the bent knee straightens as you roll from toe to heel.
  • Then, the heel leaves the ground with the knee straight, repeating the process.
  • The toe-to-heel gait can provide various benefits. (Cha H. G., Kim T. H., & Kim M. K. 2016)


Walking backward on a treadmill benefits include:

  • Improved range of motion in the knee
  • Hamstring flexibility and mobility
  • Quadriceps strengthening

Walking backward also helps burn calories, improve heart function, and improve balance and stability. (Cha H. G., Kim T. H., & Kim M. K. 2016)

Knee Range of Motion

  • Reverse walking can help increase knee extension range of motion. (Zhang M. et al., 2022)
  • Individuals with knee injuries, surgeries, or arthritis may lose their knee extension or the knee’s ability to straighten.
  • The bent knee straightens fully when walking backward, moving from the toes onto the heel.
  • This helps to improve the range of motion into knee extension.

Quadriceps Function

  • Reverse walking can improve the function of the quadriceps muscles in the upper thighs. (Alghadir A. H. et al., 2019)
  • The quads are active when straightening the knee.
  • Exercises like quad sets, short arc quads, and straight leg raises increase quad strength.

Hamstring Flexibility

  • The hamstrings are located in the back of the upper thighs and work to bend the knees and extend the hips.
  • For individuals with tight hamstrings, a therapist may have you walk backward on the treadmill to improve the flexibility of the muscle group. (BBC, 2023)
  • When walking backward, the hamstring contracts to bend the knee as it swings through the air.
  • Then, the hamstring is stretched from the toe to heel movement, and the knee straightens.

Balance, Gait, and Mobility

  • Reverse walking can improve gait characteristics after an injury, surgery, or illness. (Balasukumaran T., Olivier B., & Ntsiea M. V. 2019)
  • Walking backward can help reset one’s gait and improve one’s ability to walk forward.
  • A study on stroke patients found that backward walking training was superior to standing balance training for improving balance and walking speed. (Rose, D. K. et al., 2018)

Burns Calories

  • Backward walking has been found to burn more calories than forward walking.
  • Walking backward uses up about 40% more calories per minute than forward walking at the same speed. (Cha H. G., Kim T. H., & Kim M. K. 2016)

Heart and Lung Function

  • Walking backward on a treadmill can also benefit heart and lung health.
  • Backward walking is more challenging and forces the individual to work harder.
  • Research shows it requires more oxygen and places more demands on the cardiovascular system. (Thomas K. S., Hammond M., & Magal M. 2018)
  • As a result, it improves heart and lung health better.

Conditions That Benefit

Individuals with a lower extremity impairment that results in loss of normal walking mobility may benefit from reverse walking. Common conditions that may help include: (BBC, 2023) (DelMastro H. M. et al., 2023)

  • Hamstring strain
  • Sciatica with tightness in hamstrings
  • Hip, knee or ankle surgery
  • Lower extremity fracture
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Stroke

A physical therapist will decide if an individual’s condition warrants reverse walking as part of a rehabilitation program.

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop an optimal health and wellness solution. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, and prevent injury. Regarding musculoskeletal pain, specialists like chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists can help mitigate the pain through spinal adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal issues.

Control Foot Motion and Posture


Cha, H. G., Kim, T. H., & Kim, M. K. (2016). Therapeutic efficacy of walking backward and forward on a slope in normal adults. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 28(6), 1901–1903.

Zhang, M., Pang, J., Lu, J., Kang, M., Chen, B., Jones, R. K., Zhan, H., & Liu, A. (2022). The Immediate Effect of Backward Walking on External Knee Adduction Moment in Healthy Individuals. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2022, 4232990.

Alghadir, A. H., Anwer, S., Sarkar, B., Paul, A. K., & Anwar, D. (2019). Effect of 6-week retro or forward walking program on pain, functional disability, quadriceps muscle strength, and performance in individuals with knee osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled trial (retro-walking trial). BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 20(1), 159.

BBC. (2023). Why walking backwards can be good for your health and brain.

Balasukumaran, T., Olivier, B., & Ntsiea, M. V. (2019). The effectiveness of backward walking as a treatment for people with gait impairments: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Rehabilitation, 33(2), 171–182.

Rose, D. K., DeMark, L., Fox, E. J., Clark, D. J., & Wludyka, P. (2018). A Backward Walking Training Program to Improve Balance and Mobility in Acute Stroke: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy: JNPT, 42(1), 12–21.

Thomas, K. S., Hammond, M., & Magal, M. (2018). Graded forward and backward walking at a matched intensity on cardiorespiratory responses and postural control. Gait & posture, 65, 20–25.

DelMastro, H. M., Ruiz, J. A., Simaitis, L. B., Gromisch, E. S., Neto, L. O., Cohen, E. T., Wong, E., Krug, R. J., & Lo, A. C. (2023). Effect of Backward and Forward Walking on Lower Limb Strength, Balance, and Gait in Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized Feasibility Trial. International journal of MS care, 25(2), 45–50.

Weight Resistance Training and Its Impact on Sleep Quality

For individuals looking to improve sleep, could weight training be the answer to increase healthy sleep?

Weight Resistance Training

Researchers found that resistance weight training improves sleep quality, among other methods like diet and sleep hygiene practices. Resistance training may improve sleep by reducing anxiety and stress, benefiting heart health, and promoting muscle recovery. Researchers examined non-medication methods of improving sleep in younger and middle-aged adults, comparing exercise, diet, and sleep hygiene practices. The findings showed that for adults under 65, resistance training is the best non-pharmacological way to improve sleep quality. (Hirohama, K. et al., 2024) These findings reinforce that sleep and exercise lead to improved restful sleep. Resistance training is highly effective compared to aerobic exercise (running or cycling) in improving sleep quality. The research shows that resistance exercise has more profound benefits than aerobic training alone.

Resistance Training and Improved Sleep

Resistance training, also called strength training or weight training, is intended to build muscle and strength using resistance. This can include:

  • Your body weight
  • Resistance bands
  • Free weights
  • Weight-lifting machines

The mechanisms by which exercise alters sleep are unknown. However, the researchers point out that weight training may improve sleep by improving mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. (Cunningham J. E. A., & Shapiro C. M. 2018) (Carbone E. A. et al., 2023) Other research on resistance training and sleep found that resistance training helped decrease anxiety and stress. (Alley J. R. et al., 2015) Resistance training can benefit heart health as it increases blood circulation. This means the heart’s vessels don’t have to work as hard during sleep when blood pressure should naturally drop, which is known as nocturnal dipping, which is great for individuals with high blood pressure.

Another reason this training may help with sleep is its impact on the body. Previous research on resistance training and sleep suggests that since weight training stresses muscle tissue, it could signal the brain that sleep is needed to repair the damage (Iowa State University, 2022). The hormone adenosine, which helps promote sleep, is a key factor in why exercise increases adenosine levels and helps the body doze off. (Roig M. et al., 2022)

How Much Resistance Training Is Needed?

Sleep doctors advise patients to perform some form of daily movement or exercise to improve sleep. The amount of resistance training an individual needs depends on their circumstances, such as underlying conditions, injuries, fitness level, physical ability, and time.

  • General guidelines from the American Heart Association recommend strength training at least twice a week.
  • The guidelines for physical activity from the Department of Health and Human Services recommend adults do a muscle-strengthening activity at least two days each week in addition to at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity.
  • The meta-analysis research found that a 55-minute resistance training session consisting of three sets of 10 to 12 exercises done three times a week positively affected sleep quality.
  • They added that higher intensity and frequency of training could have a greater effect on sleep.

In other research on exercise and sleep, study participants were grouped into resistance training, aerobic, and combination workouts – both resistance and aerobic exercise. Each group engaged in 60-minute training sessions three times a week, with the combination group doing 30 minutes of resistance training and 30 minutes of aerobic exercise each session. (Iowa State University, 2022) Resistance training increased sleep by an average of 40 minutes compared to about 23 minutes for those who did an hour of aerobic exercise. A combination of aerobic and resistance increased sleep by about 17 minutes. (American Heart Association, 2022)

Previous research on resistance training and sleep found that exercise at any time can improve sleep quality compared with no strength training. However, evening sessions tend to help individuals sleep a little better. (Alley J. R. et al., 2015) Resistance exercise may offer benefits regarding the ability to fall asleep and stay asleep for those with osteoporosis, sarcopenia, anxiety, or depression.

Strength Workouts

Resistance training that targets all the major muscle groups is the goal. The Iowa State University research had participants use 12 resistance machines to perform exercises, including: 

  • Leg presses
  • Chest presses
  • Lat pulldowns
  • Bicep curls
  • Abdominal crunches 
  • Participants performed three sets of eight to 12 reps at 50% to 80% of their one-rep max. (Iowa State University, 2022)
  • One of the studies had participants work out for 30 minutes using nine different resistance machines, completing three sets of 10 reps. (Alley J. R. et al., 2015)

However, individuals can also use dumbbells such as bicep curls or chest presses, barbells for deadlifts or back squats, resistance bands for lateral shoulder raises or leg extensions, or their body weight for movements such as chin-ups or push-ups.

Other Ways to Improve Sleep Without Meds

Other non-drug methods to improve sleep include a healthy diet, proper hydration, dietary changes, and stress management like meditation. Aerobic exercise is known to improve both sleep quantity and quality. (Kovacevic A. et al., 2018) Lifestyle behaviors outside exercise are also important for sleep. Sleep hygiene refers to having healthy sleep habits and behaviors at night. This includes optimizing pre-bedtime routines to prepare the mind and body for sleep and improving bedroom environments to ensure sleep support, meaning it is cool, dark, quiet, and free from distractions like phones. Another important method of improving sleep is listening to your body and not forcing yourself to stay up late when exhausted. Pushing the brain and body to stay up later leads to chronic sleep debt. Eating sugary and high-fat foods before bed can hinder sleep patterns. Drinking caffeine after dinner or close to bedtime can disrupt the sleep cycle, as well as alcohol consumption before bed can hurt sleep quality.

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

Individuals need rest time to adjust to working out, so consult a doctor on the balance of rest and training. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop an optimal health and wellness solution. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, and prevent injury. Regarding musculoskeletal pain, specialists like chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists can help mitigate the pain through spinal adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal issues.

Weight Loss Techniques


Hirohama, K., Imura, T., Hori, T., Deguchi, N., Mitsutake, T., & Tanaka, R. (2024). The effects of nonpharmacological sleep hygiene on sleep quality in nonelderly individuals: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. PloS one, 19(6), e0301616.

Cunningham, J. E. A., & Shapiro, C. M. (2018). Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) to treat depression: A systematic review. Journal of psychosomatic research, 106, 1–12.

Carbone, E. A., Menculini, G., de Filippis, R., D’Angelo, M., De Fazio, P., Tortorella, A., & Steardo, L., Jr (2023). Sleep Disturbances in Generalized Anxiety Disorder: The Role of Calcium Homeostasis Imbalance. International journal of environmental research and public health, 20(5), 4431.

Alley, J. R., Mazzochi, J. W., Smith, C. J., Morris, D. M., & Collier, S. R. (2015). Effects of resistance exercise timing on sleep architecture and nocturnal blood pressure. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 29(5), 1378–1385.

Iowa State University. (2022). Pumping iron may improve sleep more than cardio workouts.

Roig, M., Cristini, J., Parwanta, Z., Ayotte, B., Rodrigues, L., de Las Heras, B., Nepveu, J. F., Huber, R., Carrier, J., Steib, S., Youngstedt, S. D., & Wright, D. L. (2022). Exercising the Sleepy-ing Brain: Exercise, Sleep, and Sleep Loss on Memory. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 50(1), 38–48.

American Heart Association. (2022). Resistance exercise may improve sleep more than aerobic exercise.,at%20night%2C%22%20Brellenthin%20said.

Kovacevic, A., Mavros, Y., Heisz, J. J., & Fiatarone Singh, M. A. (2018). The effect of resistance exercise on sleep: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Sleep medicine reviews, 39, 52–68.

Push-Pull Workout: A Comprehensive Guide

Can a push-pull workout routine be an option for individuals who want focused training on specific muscle groups and balanced muscle development throughout the body?

Push-Pull Strength Training

A “push-pull” workout is a training style in which you split your exercise routine into separate days dedicated to “push” exercises (targeting muscles like the chest, shoulders, and triceps) and “pull” exercises (targeting muscles like the back and biceps). This allows focused training on each muscle group by isolating their primary movement patterns—pushing away from the body or pulling towards it. The workout often accompanies a separate leg day to complete the full-body workout. This routine comes from bodybuilding. Bodybuilders use this method to maximize their workouts and rest periods. By splitting their workouts into push exercises one day and pull exercises another, they can work out more often without overtraining. (Castanheira R. P. M. et al., 2017)

Upper Body Push Exercises

These exercises involve all the movements that push the weights away from your body. These exercises typically focus on the quads, outer thighs, chest, shoulders, and triceps. (Collins P. 2009)


  • Push-ups are a versatile bodyweight exercise that engages multiple muscle groups, including the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core.

Chest Presses

  • Chest presses are exercises that target the pectoral muscles (chest muscles).
  • They can be performed with various equipment and techniques, providing a comprehensive workout for the chest.

Chest Flies

  • Chest flies are a weightlifting exercise that targets the pectoral muscles (chest muscles).
  • They are performed by lying on a bench and extending the arms outward with weights in each hand.
  • The weights are then lowered in an arc motion until they are slightly below chest level before being raised back to the starting position.

Overhead Presses

  • An overhead press is a weight-training exercise that involves pushing a weight above your head.
  • Also known as a shoulder, military, or strict press.

Lateral Raises

  • Lateral raises are an isolation exercise that targets the lateral deltoid muscle on the shoulder’s side.
  • They raise the arms laterally (out to the sides) while slightly bending at the elbows.

Bent Arm Lateral Raises

  • A bent-over lateral raise is a weightlifting exercise that strengthens the rear deltoids, the muscles on the back of the shoulders.
  • It also works other upper and lower body muscles, including the trapezius, rhomboids, triceps, hamstrings, and lower back.

Front Raises

  • Front raises are a weight training exercise that targets the shoulder muscles.
  • They can also help build strength and stability in the upper body.


  • Dips are an upper-body exercise that uses your body weight to strengthen your triceps and chest.

Triceps Extensions

  • Triceps extensions are resistance exercises that target the triceps muscles in the back of the upper arm.
  • They involve extending the arms at the elbows while keeping the shoulders stationary.

Skull Crushers

  • Skull crushers are a weightlifting exercise that targets the triceps muscles in the upper arms.
  • They are performed by lying on a bench or floor, holding a weight (such as a dumbbell or barbell) overhead, and then lowering it towards the forehead while keeping the elbows slightly bent.
  • This exercise helps to strengthen and build muscle mass in the triceps.

Upper Body Pull Exercises

Pull exercises are movements where you are pulling the weight toward your body. These exercises primarily use the biceps, hamstrings, glutes, and back muscles. A routine set up in which you do a push routine one day and a pull routine the next without working the same muscles two days in a row.

Barbell Rows

  • Often referred to as a “bent-over row” due to the hinged position of your body during the movement.
  • A barbell row is a weightlifting exercise in which you bend over at the hips, grasp a barbell with an overhand grip, and pull the weight toward your stomach.
  • This exercise primarily targets the upper back muscles, including the latissimus dorsi, while also engaging the core and posterior chain muscles.

One Arm Rows

  • A variation of the bent-over row, a one-arm row, also known as a single-arm dumbbell row, is an upper-body exercise that targets the back muscles using a dumbbell and a bench.

Double arm rows

  • A “double arm row” is a rowing exercise in which you simultaneously pull a weight toward your body using both arms, typically with a barbell or dumbbell.
  • This exercise engages your upper back muscles, including the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, and rhomboids.
  • To effectively target the back muscles, you maintain a bent-over position. Essentially, it’s the opposite movement of a chest press, but you use both arms simultaneously.

Barbell High Rows

  • A barbell high row, also known as a wide row, is an exercise that uses a barbell to work the upper and mid back muscles.

Dumbell Pullovers

  • Dumbbell pullovers are a weightlifting exercise that targets the chest, back, and shoulder muscles.

Seated Rows with Resistance Bands

  • A “seated row with bands” is an exercise where you sit on the ground, loop a resistance band around your feet, and then pull the handles towards your chest, mimicking a rowing motion.
  • By squeezing the shoulder blades together, this motion primarily targets the upper back muscles, including the latissimus dorsi and rhomboids.
  • You are essentially performing a seated row movement using the tension of a resistance band instead of weights.

Lat Pulls with Resistance Band

  • Lat pulls with a resistance band are a back exercise that strengthens the latissimus dorsi muscles and can improve posture.

Back extensions

  • Back extensions are an exercise that strengthens and isolates the lower back muscles, also known as the erector spinae.

Seated Alternating Rows

  • A seated alternating row is an exercise that targets the upper back, biceps, and lats.
  • It can be performed using a resistance machine or with a band.

Renegade Rows

  • A renegade row is a full-body exercise that combines a plank with a dumbbell row.
  • It’s an advanced exercise that targets the upper body, back, shoulders, and core.

Biceps Curls

  • A bicep curl involves bending the arm at the elbow towards the body, strengthening the biceps, the large muscles in the front of the upper arm.

Home Equipment

Resistance bands and a quality pair of adjustable dumbbells are recommended for home training. These don’t take up much space and can be used for most upper-body exercises. To set up a more dedicated space for workouts, add a weight bench or a full home gym to increase your push-pull training options.


Push-pull workouts are great for anybody, whether you’re a bodybuilder or just someone lifting weights to be strong and fit. This routine is usually spread out over three days of training, allowing for shorter workouts. These can help you stay committed despite a busy schedule and are easier than longer, total-body workouts. These exercises can also be done with a cable pulley system or resistance bands.

  1. Day 1 might be a push upper body workout.
  2. Day 2 might be a lower-body workout.
  3. Day 3 might be the pull upper body workout.

First, push-pull workouts allow you to work your muscles without overstressing them. (Castanheira R. P. M. et al., 2017) Second, although they are more frequent, push-pull workouts are shorter, so more can be done because your other muscles are resting. Third, push-pull routines are more interesting and contain more variety, as they can be done in various ways.

Alternating Workouts

Trainers recommend changing workouts every 6-12 weeks to avoid hitting a plateau, which can delay weight loss (American Council on Exercise, 2001). For example, you could do a push-pull routine for a few weeks and then switch to a different training method, pyramid training. Then, return to total body workouts, which you can do up to 3 non-consecutive days a week. Circuit training may be an option because the quick workouts allow you to get your cardio in simultaneously. (Haltom R. W. et al., 1999) With so many different training methods, there’s no need to do the same workouts repeatedly.

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

For those who are easily bored with weight training and prefer a variety of exercises, this can be a refreshing way to stay focused and avoid burnout. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to build optimal health and wellness solutions. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, prevent injury, and help mitigate issues through adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal problems.

Transform Your Body


Castanheira, R. P. M., Ferreira-Junior, J. B., Celes, R. S., Rocha-Junior, V. A., Cadore, E. L., Izquierdo, M., & Bottaro, M. (2017). Effects of Synergist vs. NonSynergist Split Resistance Training Routines on Acute Neuromuscular Performance in Resistance-Trained Men. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 31(12), 3482–3488.

Collins, P. (2009). Functional Fitness. Germany: Meyer & Meyer Sport, Limited.

American Council on Exercise. (2001). Weight Loss Plateaus and Pitfalls. ACE.

Haltom, R. W., Kraemer, R. R., Sloan, R. A., Hebert, E. P., Frank, K., & Tryniecki, J. L. (1999). Circuit weight training and its effects on excess postexercise oxygen consumption. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 31(11), 1613–1618.

Enhance Your Fitness Journey: Kettlebell Training for All Ages

For older individuals looking for a workout that can help improve overall fitness, can kettlebell training help achieve health goals?

Kettlebell Training At Any Age

Previous research found that training with a kettlebell can improve aerobic capacity, balance, and core strength. New research suggests that kettlebell training is beneficial at any age (American Physiological Society, 2024). Compared to dumbbells or barbells, the kettlebell’s specific shape—a sphere on the bottom and a handle that can be grabbed by one or both hands—better emulates how the body moves through daily tasks and activities. When isolating a muscle, like a bicep, only that muscle is getting worked out. But in everyday life, a lot of what the body does is lifting and moving things. A kettlebell allows those muscle groups to connect in a stronger and more efficient movement.

Benefits At Any Age

A research study examined how using kettlebells impacted the health of individuals from different backgrounds without prior exposure to resistance training between the ages of 60 and 80. The participants enrolled in a twice-a-week exercise program using kettlebells to improve fitness. At the end of six months, the researchers found the participants had increased muscle mass and grip strength. At the end of the year, the participants had lower inflammation markers in their blood and had met other fitness goals, including climbing stairs faster and making multiple chair stands/standing from a seated position. The researchers say the findings show how effective kettlebells can be for all ages and demonstrate that the kettlebell training program leads to benefits even in older individuals just starting. (American Physiological Society, 2024) The kettlebell’s unique shape allows for an offset center of gravity from the handle, encouraging increased engagement of stabilizing muscles. This combination of strength and functional movement patterns helps to improve the following:

  • Balance
  • Coordination
  • Core stability

This makes it a versatile tool for older adults.

Getting Started

For individuals just starting kettlebell training, it is recommended that they work with a certified instructor or find a beginner’s class. Guided training ensures proper technique and form and reduces the risk of injury. To avoid common kettlebell mistakes when lifting weights for the first time, start with lighter kettlebells to master form and focus on slow, controlled movements. When lifting weight from the ground to the chest, don’t pull with the shoulder muscles. Instead, start in the legs and let the energy move up through the body, known as the kinetic chain. When exercising, spend only 20 to 30 seconds on a rep before resting for 30 seconds, and don’t spend more than five minutes on a single exercise. (American Council on Exercise, 2015)

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

Individuals who want to start an exercise routine should consider kettlebell training. Following basic tips and training slowly, kettlebells can be an option for anyone looking to improve their fitness and overall health. Consider working with a personal trainer to ensure safety and get the most out of workouts. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to build optimal health and wellness solutions. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, prevent injury, and help mitigate issues through adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal problems.

Transform Your Body


American Physiological Society. (2024). Kettlebell training may help maintain muscle strength in older adults.

American Council on Exercise. Wall, A. J. (2015). How to get started with kettlebells.