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Push-Pull Workout: A Comprehensive Guide

Can a push-pull workout routine be an option for individuals who want focused training on specific muscle groups and balanced muscle development throughout the body?

Push-Pull Strength Training

A “push-pull” workout is a training style in which you split your exercise routine into separate days dedicated to “push” exercises (targeting muscles like the chest, shoulders, and triceps) and “pull” exercises (targeting muscles like the back and biceps). This allows focused training on each muscle group by isolating their primary movement patterns—pushing away from the body or pulling towards it. The workout often accompanies a separate leg day to complete the full-body workout. This routine comes from bodybuilding. Bodybuilders use this method to maximize their workouts and rest periods. By splitting their workouts into push exercises one day and pull exercises another, they can work out more often without overtraining. (Castanheira R. P. M. et al., 2017)

Upper Body Push Exercises

These exercises involve all the movements that push the weights away from your body. These exercises typically focus on the quads, outer thighs, chest, shoulders, and triceps. (Collins P. 2009)


  • Push-ups are a versatile bodyweight exercise that engages multiple muscle groups, including the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core.

Chest Presses

  • Chest presses are exercises that target the pectoral muscles (chest muscles).
  • They can be performed with various equipment and techniques, providing a comprehensive workout for the chest.

Chest Flies

  • Chest flies are a weightlifting exercise that targets the pectoral muscles (chest muscles).
  • They are performed by lying on a bench and extending the arms outward with weights in each hand.
  • The weights are then lowered in an arc motion until they are slightly below chest level before being raised back to the starting position.

Overhead Presses

  • An overhead press is a weight-training exercise that involves pushing a weight above your head.
  • Also known as a shoulder, military, or strict press.

Lateral Raises

  • Lateral raises are an isolation exercise that targets the lateral deltoid muscle on the shoulder’s side.
  • They raise the arms laterally (out to the sides) while slightly bending at the elbows.

Bent Arm Lateral Raises

  • A bent-over lateral raise is a weightlifting exercise that strengthens the rear deltoids, the muscles on the back of the shoulders.
  • It also works other upper and lower body muscles, including the trapezius, rhomboids, triceps, hamstrings, and lower back.

Front Raises

  • Front raises are a weight training exercise that targets the shoulder muscles.
  • They can also help build strength and stability in the upper body.


  • Dips are an upper-body exercise that uses your body weight to strengthen your triceps and chest.

Triceps Extensions

  • Triceps extensions are resistance exercises that target the triceps muscles in the back of the upper arm.
  • They involve extending the arms at the elbows while keeping the shoulders stationary.

Skull Crushers

  • Skull crushers are a weightlifting exercise that targets the triceps muscles in the upper arms.
  • They are performed by lying on a bench or floor, holding a weight (such as a dumbbell or barbell) overhead, and then lowering it towards the forehead while keeping the elbows slightly bent.
  • This exercise helps to strengthen and build muscle mass in the triceps.

Upper Body Pull Exercises

Pull exercises are movements where you are pulling the weight toward your body. These exercises primarily use the biceps, hamstrings, glutes, and back muscles. A routine set up in which you do a push routine one day and a pull routine the next without working the same muscles two days in a row.

Barbell Rows

  • Often referred to as a “bent-over row” due to the hinged position of your body during the movement.
  • A barbell row is a weightlifting exercise in which you bend over at the hips, grasp a barbell with an overhand grip, and pull the weight toward your stomach.
  • This exercise primarily targets the upper back muscles, including the latissimus dorsi, while also engaging the core and posterior chain muscles.

One Arm Rows

  • A variation of the bent-over row, a one-arm row, also known as a single-arm dumbbell row, is an upper-body exercise that targets the back muscles using a dumbbell and a bench.

Double arm rows

  • A “double arm row” is a rowing exercise in which you simultaneously pull a weight toward your body using both arms, typically with a barbell or dumbbell.
  • This exercise engages your upper back muscles, including the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, and rhomboids.
  • To effectively target the back muscles, you maintain a bent-over position. Essentially, it’s the opposite movement of a chest press, but you use both arms simultaneously.

Barbell High Rows

  • A barbell high row, also known as a wide row, is an exercise that uses a barbell to work the upper and mid back muscles.

Dumbell Pullovers

  • Dumbbell pullovers are a weightlifting exercise that targets the chest, back, and shoulder muscles.

Seated Rows with Resistance Bands

  • A “seated row with bands” is an exercise where you sit on the ground, loop a resistance band around your feet, and then pull the handles towards your chest, mimicking a rowing motion.
  • By squeezing the shoulder blades together, this motion primarily targets the upper back muscles, including the latissimus dorsi and rhomboids.
  • You are essentially performing a seated row movement using the tension of a resistance band instead of weights.

Lat Pulls with Resistance Band

  • Lat pulls with a resistance band are a back exercise that strengthens the latissimus dorsi muscles and can improve posture.

Back extensions

  • Back extensions are an exercise that strengthens and isolates the lower back muscles, also known as the erector spinae.

Seated Alternating Rows

  • A seated alternating row is an exercise that targets the upper back, biceps, and lats.
  • It can be performed using a resistance machine or with a band.

Renegade Rows

  • A renegade row is a full-body exercise that combines a plank with a dumbbell row.
  • It’s an advanced exercise that targets the upper body, back, shoulders, and core.

Biceps Curls

  • A bicep curl involves bending the arm at the elbow towards the body, strengthening the biceps, the large muscles in the front of the upper arm.

Home Equipment

Resistance bands and a quality pair of adjustable dumbbells are recommended for home training. These don’t take up much space and can be used for most upper-body exercises. To set up a more dedicated space for workouts, add a weight bench or a full home gym to increase your push-pull training options.


Push-pull workouts are great for anybody, whether you’re a bodybuilder or just someone lifting weights to be strong and fit. This routine is usually spread out over three days of training, allowing for shorter workouts. These can help you stay committed despite a busy schedule and are easier than longer, total-body workouts. These exercises can also be done with a cable pulley system or resistance bands.

  1. Day 1 might be a push upper body workout.
  2. Day 2 might be a lower-body workout.
  3. Day 3 might be the pull upper body workout.

First, push-pull workouts allow you to work your muscles without overstressing them. (Castanheira R. P. M. et al., 2017) Second, although they are more frequent, push-pull workouts are shorter, so more can be done because your other muscles are resting. Third, push-pull routines are more interesting and contain more variety, as they can be done in various ways.

Alternating Workouts

Trainers recommend changing workouts every 6-12 weeks to avoid hitting a plateau, which can delay weight loss (American Council on Exercise, 2001). For example, you could do a push-pull routine for a few weeks and then switch to a different training method, pyramid training. Then, return to total body workouts, which you can do up to 3 non-consecutive days a week. Circuit training may be an option because the quick workouts allow you to get your cardio in simultaneously. (Haltom R. W. et al., 1999) With so many different training methods, there’s no need to do the same workouts repeatedly.

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

For those who are easily bored with weight training and prefer a variety of exercises, this can be a refreshing way to stay focused and avoid burnout. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to build optimal health and wellness solutions. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, prevent injury, and help mitigate issues through adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal problems.

Transform Your Body


Castanheira, R. P. M., Ferreira-Junior, J. B., Celes, R. S., Rocha-Junior, V. A., Cadore, E. L., Izquierdo, M., & Bottaro, M. (2017). Effects of Synergist vs. NonSynergist Split Resistance Training Routines on Acute Neuromuscular Performance in Resistance-Trained Men. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 31(12), 3482–3488.

Collins, P. (2009). Functional Fitness. Germany: Meyer & Meyer Sport, Limited.

American Council on Exercise. (2001). Weight Loss Plateaus and Pitfalls. ACE.

Haltom, R. W., Kraemer, R. R., Sloan, R. A., Hebert, E. P., Frank, K., & Tryniecki, J. L. (1999). Circuit weight training and its effects on excess postexercise oxygen consumption. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 31(11), 1613–1618.

Get Relief for Your Spine & Back with Simple and Effective Exercises

Can individuals incorporate these simple but effective exercise routines to reduce pain and discomfort in their spine and back?

Why It’s Important To Keep The Back Mobile

When many individuals are dealing with back pain from their upper, middle, and lower portions, it can put a halt to a person’s routine. When back pain becomes present, it causes the person to find a comfortable place like a couch or a bed and lie down. However, this can cause more issues than the original one, affecting the individual. Back pain is a common worldwide problem and is the leading issue of disability associated with a high socio-economic cost. (Chou, 2021) Additionally, when a person is dealing with back pain, they are also dealing with degenerative issues that are also affecting their spines, thus causing problems to their joints, discs, and bones. (Hauser et al., 2022) This is because back pain is a multifactorial musculoskeletal disorder that can cause referred pain to different body locations. So when a person dealing with back pain rests, it can become an issue as inflammation builds up and swelling in the affected areas. Hence, many doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, and spine specialists recommend keeping mobile to allow blood flow and the body’s natural healing response to reduce pain and speed up recovery. Since back pain relief is challenging through visceral-somatic disturbances, it is important to find various treatment options to aid the person’s specific condition. As a person goes to get treatment for their back pain, it is important to note that the causes of their back pain can help determine which exercises can be most effective within their treatment plan. We associate with certified medical providers who inform our patients of the benefits of incorporating simple but effective exercises for their back pain. While asking important questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to integrate an exercise routine to reduce the chances of environmental factors causing back pain to return. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., envisions this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.

Understanding Academic Low Back Pain- Video

Effective But Simple Exercises For The Back

Many people often wonder, “If I am dealing with back pain, why should I exercise to reduce this pain?” The answer is simple: since the affected back muscles are tight and weakened, simple but effective exercises can help recover. Exercise therapy can help increase muscle-joint strength in the body while improving muscle function and increasing range of motion. This boosts a speedy recovery and allows the individual to return to their usual activities. (Hayden et al., 2021) At the same time, with a customized treatment plan, exercise therapy can incorporate other non-surgical treatments with one goal: to restore normal musculoskeletal function and reduce the pain caused by environmental factors, diseases, or injuries. (Karlsson et al., 2020) Now, depending on the severity of the back pain, there are simple but effective exercises below to help reduce the pain and restore mobility to the back.

Physical Therapy & At-Home Workouts

Physical therapy and at-home exercises can help many individuals with back pain. They can help figure out which position can help centralize the pain and correct any restricted motions. Many physical therapists incorporate the McKenzie method to strengthen and support the spine while decreasing pain and inflammation. At-home exercises can be combined with a series designed to be practical, assessable, and feasible for therapeutic gain or even to improve physical capacity to maximum effort. (Quentin et al., 2021)

Water Exercises

Water exercises are amazing exercises that can help lessen the body’s weight to take pressure and stress off the spine. This is because water is supposed to help cleanse and rejuvenate the body. When individuals are experiencing chronic back pain, aquatic physical therapy can help relieve pain intensity, relax the aching muscles, and even promote a positive workout experience for the individual. (Ma et al., 2022) After a few consecutive sessions, many individuals can see improvement in pain intensity and restored mobility function in their routines.

Tai Chi & Stabalizing Exercises

Now, another simple and effective exercise routine can help stabilize the surrounding muscles in the back and spine and become effective as part of a health and well-being routine. Tai chi and Qigong practices can help the individual emphasize stillness and controlled movements to promote calmness, resilience, body awareness, and relaxation for proper body alignment. (Yang et al., 2024) Tai chi and Qigong can also help support immune function in the body while regulating inflammation, which can help reduce and prevent diseases. (Oh et al., 2020) At the same time, yoga can help improve flexibility, mobility, and stability within the muscles and joints while also improving spinal alignment, which can help many individuals have proper posture. (Zhu et al., 2020) Depending on which exercise a person prefers for their treatment plan and to reduce their back pain; it is important to make these small changes to achieve optimal results. Making these small changes can help many individuals reduce the chances of their back pain returning and help them along with their health and wellness journey.


Chou, R. (2021). Low Back Pain. Ann Intern Med, 174(8), ITC113-ITC128.

Hauser, R. A., Matias, D., Woznica, D., Rawlings, B., & Woldin, B. A. (2022). Lumbar instability as an etiology of low back pain and its treatment by prolotherapy: A review. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil, 35(4), 701-712.

Hayden, J. A., Ellis, J., Ogilvie, R., Malmivaara, A., & van Tulder, M. W. (2021). Exercise therapy for chronic low back pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 9(9), CD009790.

Karlsson, M., Bergenheim, A., Larsson, M. E. H., Nordeman, L., van Tulder, M., & Bernhardsson, S. (2020). Effects of exercise therapy in patients with acute low back pain: a systematic review of systematic reviews. Syst Rev, 9(1), 182.

Ma, J., Zhang, T., He, Y., Li, X., Chen, H., & Zhao, Q. (2022). Effect of aquatic physical therapy on chronic low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 23(1), 1050.

Oh, B., Bae, K., Lamoury, G., Eade, T., Boyle, F., Corless, B., Clarke, S., Yeung, A., Rosenthal, D., Schapira, L., & Back, M. (2020). The Effects of Tai Chi and Qigong on Immune Responses: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Medicines (Basel), 7(7).

Quentin, C., Bagheri, R., Ugbolue, U. C., Coudeyre, E., Pelissier, C., Descatha, A., Menini, T., Bouillon-Minois, J. B., & Dutheil, F. (2021). Effect of Home Exercise Training in Patients with Nonspecific Low-Back Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18(16).

Yang, Y., McCluskey, S., Bydon, M., Singh, J. R., Sheeler, R. D., Nathani, K. R., Krieger, A. C., Mehta, N. D., Weaver, J., Jia, L., DeCelle, S., Schlagal, R. C., Ayar, J., Abduljawad, S., Stovitz, S. D., Ganesh, R., Verkuilen, J., Knapp, K. A., Yang, L., & Hartl, R. (2024). A Tai chi and qigong mind-body program for low back pain: A virtually delivered randomized control trial. N Am Spine Soc J, 20, 100557.

Zhu, F., Zhang, M., Wang, D., Hong, Q., Zeng, C., & Chen, W. (2020). Yoga compared to non-exercise or physical therapy exercise on pain, disability, and quality of life for patients with chronic low back pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. PLOS ONE, 15(9), e0238544.


Improve Your Health with Bed Pilates: Try These Adapted Exercises

Can Pilates exercise movements be performed in bed for individuals recovering from illness or injury?

Bed Pilates

Pilates exercises can be practiced in bed. Joseph Pilates’ exercises and equipment, such as his patented V-shape bed, were designed to help rehabilitate injured individuals who had to stay on or near a bed. After a healthy night’s sleep, Pilates exercises dynamically stimulate circulation and the nervous system. They can also be used to calm the mind and body before going to bed.

  • Those with health concerns should check with their healthcare provider before starting any exercise program to ensure safety.
  • Beginners are recommended to learn the Pilates principles and movement fundamentals.

Here are a few Pilates mat exercises adapted for individuals who need or prefer to exercise in bed. A firm mattress is recommended, as a soft mattress will mess up the correct form, making the exercise ineffective.

Spine Twist

This exercise helps improve the flexibility of the spine and core, making it easier to move around, and supports healthy posture. (Geremia J. M. et al., 2015) Pilates exercises like the spine twist have been found to reduce low back pain and disability. (Notarnicola A. et al., 2014) To perform:

  • Sit up in bed, torso straight, abs engaged, and inhale.
  • Exhale as you turn your head and shoulders to the right.
  • Keep your torso straight, and imagine growing taller through the turn.
  • Inhale as you return to the starting position.
  • Exhale and turn to the other side.
  • Repeat five times on each side.

Tendon Stretch

The tendon stretch helps by improving flexibility in the hamstrings and calves. (Chinnavan E., Gopaladhas S., & Kaikondan P. 2015) To perform:

  • Sit up straight, legs straight out.
  • Bring heels together and use a towel to pull your feet towards you while pushing your heels away.
  • Hold for three seconds.
  • Next, without the towel, point your toes away.
  • Hold for another three seconds.
  • Do ten reps.

Double-Leg Stretch

The double-leg stretch is an intermediate exercise that works the abdominals and the core. If this move feels difficult, start with one leg at a time. Another option is to keep the knees slightly bent instead of extending the legs fully. To perform:

  • Bring both knees to your chest and, with your hands, press down on the ankles to stretch the lower back.
  • Pull in the abdomen.
  • Exhale and extend the arms up and the leg or legs as far out in front as possible.
  • Hold the position for ten seconds and then release.
  • Do ten reps.

Pelvic Curl

The pelvic curl builds strength in the lower back and core. To perform:

  • Bend knees and place feet on the bed hip-distance apart.
  • Curl your pelvis, squeeze the glutes, and lift your body.
  • Hold for five seconds.
  • Slowly count five seconds while lowering back down, imprinting the spine into the mattress.
  • Do ten reps.

Hip-Opening Exercise

A hip-opening exercise, or frog, can be done while lying down or sitting in bed. Hip openers help keep the spine and hips flexible and in alignment. To perform:

  • Bring the soles of your feet together and as close to the torso as possible.
  • Let the knees open up as far as possible, and that feels comfortable.
  • While in the stretch, breathe in and out as deep as possible.
  • If sitting, place hands on ankles and use forearms to push down on the knees for added stretch.

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

Chiropractic care aims to help individuals improve movement with less pain due to condition, after injury, or surgery. A chiropractic therapy team can assess your condition and develop a customized treatment plan to expedite pain relief and improve mobility. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to build optimal health and wellness solutions. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, prevent injury, and help mitigate issues through adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal problems.

Home Exercises for Pain Relief


Geremia, J. M., Iskiewicz, M. M., Marschner, R. A., Lehnen, T. E., & Lehnen, A. M. (2015). Effect of a physical training program using the Pilates method on flexibility in elderly subjects. Age (Dordrecht, Netherlands), 37(6), 119.

Notarnicola, A., Fischetti, F., Maccagnano, G., Comes, R., Tafuri, S., & Moretti, B. (2014). Daily pilates exercise or inactivity for patients with low back pain: a clinical prospective observational study. European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 50(1), 59–66.

Chinnavan, E., Gopaladhas, S., & Kaikondan, P. (2015). Effectiveness of pilates training in improving hamstring flexibility of football players. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science, 14(3), 265–269.