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Back Cracking: Can It Relieve Your Back Pain?

Are there benefits to back cracking, risks, and how can it be done safely?

Back Cracking

Back cracking is intentionally applying pressure or twisting movements, producing a popping or cracking sound in the spine. Back cracking involves stretching or extending the spine. In most cases, it is considered safe when done gently as it can provide temporary relief from back pain and stiffness by:

  • Stretching the ligaments and muscles around the spine
  • Releasing gas bubbles that may be causing pressure
  • Improving joint mobility

Mechanism of Action

  • Cracking your back creates small gas bubbles in the synovial fluid (the lubricating fluid in the joints).
  • These bubbles form when the pressure in the joints is suddenly released, causing a popping or cracking sound.

It is generally safe, but there are certain conditions under which individuals should avoid cracking their backs.

Popping Sound

Research has used a new type of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), cine MRI, to study the noise source. Cine MRI produces moving images.

  • This study using this MRI found that the formation of bubbles makes a popping sound.
  • The popping sound does not come from the popping of bubbles in the synovial fluid, as previously believed. (Kawchuk G. N. et al., 2015)
  • When someone cracks their back, the force pulls the bones of the joint apart, causing the pressure within the joint to drop and form a bubble, which eventually dissipates. (Kawchuk G. N. et al., 2015)


  • Crepitus is the medical term for cracking or popping noise from joints.
  • It is not a condition or disease but can be a symptom of one.
  • Other terms include clicking or crunching.

Is It Safe To Perform Daily?

Back cracking once a day is generally considered safe. But if it causes pain or swelling, then stop and contact a healthcare provider. If someone feels the need to crack their back more throughout the day, it could be a sign that they need to see a professional chiropractic healthcare provider. (AICA Orthopedics, 2022) Individuals may crack their backs to address certain conditions or to relieve various discomfort symptoms that can include: (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, 2025)

  • Headache
  • Neck pain
  • Lower back pain
  • Sciatica

Individuals may often experience mild side effects like headache, stiffness, or pain. These side effects tend to resolve within a day. Though back cracking can provide temporary relief for some conditions, some serious side effects like neurological problems or strokes have been reported. (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, 2025)

Stretches and Movements

When someone needs to crack their back, they can perform a spine stretch. Here are a couple of stretches and movements. (American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, 2022)

Sitting Rotation Stretch

  • Sit on the floor with both legs straight.
  • Cross the right foot over the left leg.
  • Rotate the upper body to the right side and press against the right knee with the left elbow.
  • Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and come back to the center.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Knee to Chest

  • Lie flat on the ground.
  • Lift one leg and bring the knee to the chest, pulling the knee in with your hands.
  • Hold for five seconds.
  • Repeat with the other leg.

Several back-cracking assistive devices, such as poles and wheels, are available. Talk to a healthcare provider to determine the right type and ensure it is safe for you and your condition or injury.

Individuals Who Should Avoid Back Cracking

Back cracking can cause additional stress or damage to the joints in those with back injuries or other conditions. Individuals with these conditions should avoid back cracking (AICA Orthopedics, 2022)

  • Numbness or tingling of the arms or legs.
  • Osteoporosis
  • Spinal cancer
  • Spinal abnormalities
  • Individuals who have a high stroke risk.

A Professional Back Adjustment

A chiropractor is a healthcare provider who specializes in spine and spinal adjustments. They adjust the spine and other areas of the body to correct misalignment problems, reduce and relieve pain, and allow the body to recover independently. (National Library of Medicine. MedlinePlus, 2023) The chiropractor will take a health history to learn about previous injuries and conditions. Then, they will evaluate the patient and determine the best course of action. Although a chiropractor performs spinal adjustments, they may also incorporate other treatments, including: (National Library of Medicine. MedlinePlus, 2023)

  • Stretching
  • Non-surgical decompression and traction
  • Acupuncture
  • Muscle Energy Technique (MET)
  • Exercise routines
  • Heat
  • Ice
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Dietary supplements
  • Nutrition and lifestyle counseling

Injury Medical Chiropractic & Functional Medicine Clinic

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop an optimal health and wellness solution. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, and prevent injury. Regarding musculoskeletal pain, specialists like chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists can help mitigate the pain through spinal adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal issues.

Chiropractic Secrets


Kawchuk, G. N., Fryer, J., Jaremko, J. L., Zeng, H., Rowe, L., & Thompson, R. (2015). Real-time visualization of joint cavitation. PloS one, 10(4), e0119470.

AICA Orthopedics. (2022). Is cracking your back bad?

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. (2025). Spinal manipulation: what you need to know. Retrieved from

American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. (2022). Spine conditioning program.

National Library of Medicine. MedlinePlus.  (2023). Chiropractic. Retrieved from

Cauda Equina Syndrome: Symptoms and Treatments

Cauda equina syndrome/CES is a rare condition in which the nerves in the lower back are compressed. It can include sciatica as one of its symptoms. Individuals presenting with symptoms that could be CES are advised to see a healthcare provider as soon as possible, as delaying treatment can lead to permanent damage.

Cauda Equina Syndrome

A cluster of nerve roots called the cauda equina, Latin for horse’s tail, sends and receives messages to the legs, bladder, and other body parts. Cauda equina syndrome is a rare condition in which nerve roots in the lower spinal cord are compressed. This compresses the nerves and disrupts motor and sensory function in the bladder and lower extremities. The most common cause is a ruptured or herniated disc in the lumbar area. This usually occurs when a severe disc herniation compresses the nerve bundle at the base of the spinal cord, causing significant neurological dysfunction like bladder/bowel issues and numbness in the saddle area. If found early, it is treated with surgery within 24 to 48 hours of symptom onset.

Initial Signs

Symptoms can occur acutely, in hours, or gradually over weeks or months. One of the first signs and most common symptoms is urinary retention, where the bladder fills, but there is no normal sensation or urge to urinate. (American Association of Neurological Surgeons, 2024) Other symptoms include: (Gardner A., Gardner E., & Morley T. 2011)

  • Severe low back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Pain, numbness, or weakness in one or both legs
  • Saddle anesthesia, which is numbness or other nerve sensations around the anus and the area that sits.
  • A loss of reflexes in the extremities
  • Sexual dysfunction that comes suddenly
  • Loss of bowel control
  • Overflow urination

There are two stages based on urinary symptoms (Fairbank J., & Mallen C. 2014)

CES-Incomplete CES-I

CES-Retention CES-R

  • Bladder control is completely lost.


The most common cause is a ruptured or herniated disc in the lumbar area. Other possible causes may include: (American Association of Neurological Surgeons, 2024)

Trauma or injury to the spine

  • that leads to fractures or dislocations (gunshots, falls, auto accidents)

Tumors or Infections

  • It can compress the cauda equina nerve bundle.

Spinal Stenosis

  • Narrowing of the spinal column can be either congenital or acquired.

Bone Spurs

Tuberculosis or Pott’s Paralysis

  • Pott’s paralysis is a neurological complication of tuberculosis (TB) of the spine.
  • TB is a bacterial infection that usually affects the lungs but can spread to the spine.

Iatrogenic Side Effects

  • Injuries or illnesses that result from medical or surgical treatment

Spinal Lesions or Malignant Tumors

  • A spinal lesion refers to any abnormal growth or damage within the spine.
  • It can include benign (noncancerous) and malignant (cancerous) tumors.
  • A malignant tumor is a cancerous growth within the spine; essentially, a malignant tumor is a type of spinal lesion with the potential to spread to other parts of the body.

Spinal Infection, Inflammation, Hemorrhage, or Fracture

  • A spinal infection refers to a bacterial, fungal, or viral infection that occurs within the bones of the spine (vertebrae) or the surrounding tissues, potentially causing pain, inflammation, and, in severe cases, neurological complications like weakness or paralysis;
  • Spinal inflammation is a general term for swelling or irritation within the spinal column.
  • Spinal hemorrhage” indicates bleeding within the spinal canal.
  • A spinal fracture refers to a break in one or more of the vertebrae in the spine.

Spinal Arteriovenous Malformations (AVMs)

  • A spinal arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is a rare condition in which the arteries and veins in the spinal cord tangle abnormally.
  • This can damage the spinal cord over time.

Complications from Lumbar Surgery

  • Lumbar surgery can have several complications, including infections, blood clots, nerve damage, and spinal fluid leaks.

Spinal Anesthesia

  • Spinal anesthesia is a regional anesthesia that blocks pain and sensation in the lower body.
  • It involves injecting a local anesthetic medication into the subarachnoid space surrounding the spinal cord.
  • The exact cause is not fully understood, but it can involve direct nerve root injury from the needle, inflammation caused by the anesthetic, or a spinal hematoma compressing the nerve roots.

Spinal Birth Defects


Diagnosis requires a medical history of symptoms, general health, activity level, and a physical exam to assess strength, reflexes, sensation, stability, alignment, and motion. (​American Association of Neurological Surgeons, 2024) Testing includes: 

Blood Tests

  • These test for infections.


  • These yield three-dimensional images of the spinal cord, nerve roots, and surrounding areas.


  • X-ray or computerized tomography (CT) imaging is enhanced by the injection of contrast material into the cerebrospinal fluid spaces, which can show displacement of the spinal cord or spinal nerves.

Specialized Nerve Testing

  • This could be nerve conduction velocity tests and testing electrical activity in muscles or electromyography.


The extent of urinary problems can determine treatment protocols. A CES diagnosis is usually followed by emergency surgery within 24 to 48 hours to relieve compression of the nerves. Moving quickly is essential to prevent permanent complications such as nerve damage, incontinence, or leg paralysis. (American Association of Neurological Surgeons, 2024)

  • Depending on the cause, corticosteroids also may be prescribed to reduce swelling.
  • Antibiotics may be needed if an infection is responsible for CES.
  • For situations in which a tumor is the cause, surgery to remove it may be necessary, followed by chemotherapy and/or radiation.
  • The outcome with CES-I during surgery is generally favorable.
  • Those whose CES has deteriorated to CES-R tend to have a less favorable prognosis.

Post Surgery Therapy

After surgery, CES can be challenging to deal with. If bladder function has been impaired, recovery of control can take time.

  • It may be necessary to use a catheter or to wear disposable underwear. (American Association of Neurological Surgeons, 2024)
  • Frequent urinary infections are also a potential complication.
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control can be psychologically distressing, impacting social life, work, and relationships.
  • Sexual dysfunction can also occur, contributing to relationship difficulties or depression.

Therapy with a mental health professional may be recommended. When damage is permanent, it will be important to include family and friends in the adjustment to living with a chronic condition. Psychological counseling and/or a support group can be helpful. Other specialists who can help include: (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2024)

  • Occupational therapist
  • Physical therapist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Sex therapist
  • Social worker

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to build optimal health and wellness solutions. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, prevent injury, and mitigate issues through adjustments that help the body realign itself. The clinic can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal problems.

Disc Herniation


American Association of Neurological Surgeons. (2024). Cauda Equina Syndrome.

Gardner, A., Gardner, E., & Morley, T. (2011). Cauda equina syndrome: a review of the current clinical and medico-legal position. European Spine Journal: official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society, 20(5), 690–697.

Fairbank, J., & Mallen, C. (2014). Cauda equina syndrome: implications for primary care. The British journal of general practice: the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 64(619), 67–68.

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. (2024). Cauda equina syndrome.–conditions/cauda-equina-syndrome

Managing Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Breaking the Spasm Cycle

For individuals who have to be in one position for long periods, have poor postural alignment, and perform repetitive motions, what are myofascial pain syndrome spasm cycles?

Myofascial Pain Syndrome Spasm Cycles

Myofascial pain syndrome is a common condition that causes pain symptoms in a particular body area (Jafri M. S. 2014). A myofascial pain syndrome spasm cycle is a recurring pattern in which muscle tension and spasms in affected regions, caused by myofascial pain syndrome, lead to pain, triggering more muscle spasms. This creates a vicious cycle of discomfort and tightness that can be difficult to break without treatment; the pain perpetuates muscle spasms and vice versa.

Spasm Pain Cycle

Left untreated, myofascial pain is often experienced as a recurring cycle of spasm, pain, and spasm. (Kojidi M. M. et al., O2016) The exact cause of the spasm is not known. It may be related to excessive accumulation and release of acetylcholine, which causes sustained muscle contraction. (Nicol A, Crooks M, Hsu E, Ferrante M. 2018) Another theory is that repetitive small muscle trauma helps create a trigger point or knot in the muscle. (Thorne. 2021)

Active trigger points in muscles characterize myofascial pain syndrome. (Shah J. P. et al., 2015) These trigger points cause pain in the area where they are located and sometimes in other places, known as referred pain. Each muscle has a particular referral pattern of pain that goes from a trigger point in that muscle to another place in the body. (Shah J. P. et al., 2015) Medical providers and massage therapists trained in this area can identify trigger points by their pain patterns. With myofascial pain syndrome, muscles tense, and joint range of motion may decrease. (Jafri M. S. 2014)

Trigger Points

  • Myofascial pain syndrome is characterized by trigger points and sensitive knots within muscles that can cause referred pain when pressed, contributing to the spasm cycle.

Muscle Tension

  • A repeatedly tense or injured muscle can develop trigger points, which can lead tocle tightness and potential spasms.

Pain-Spasm-Pain Cycle

  • The pain from a trigger point can cause the muscle to further contract and spasm, leading to even more pain and perpetuating the cycle.

How Spasms and Pain Present

Myofascial pain is often caused by long periods of poor postural alignment, muscle injury, and repetitive motions. (Cleveland Clinic, 2023) For example, the upper body slumps forward when sitting at a desk workstation all day. The upper section of the trapezius muscle is located on the back of the neck and top of the shoulder. The upper trapezius muscle works to raise the head. (Yoo W. G. 2015) The trapezius muscle now has to work more than it is used to. This overuse may cause microscopic muscle injury, leading to muscle spasms and pain. (Bron C., & Dommerholt J. D. 2012) (Nicol A, Crooks M, Hsu E, Ferrante M. 2018) Without treatment, the muscle spasms, pain, and microscopic muscle injury may persist or worsen, leading to trigger points and chronic pain. (Jafri M. S. 2014)


Repetitive Motions

  • Repeating the same movement, like typing on a computer, can trigger muscle tension and points.

Poor Posture

  • Maintaining incorrect posture for extended periods can strain muscles and contribute to trigger point development.

Muscle Injury

  • Past injuries can leave muscles susceptible to developing trigger points and pain cycles.


  • Psychological stress can lead to muscle tension and exacerbate existing trigger points.

Break the Cycle

Physical Therapy

  • A physical therapist can use stretching, massage, and trigger point therapy to release muscle tension and address trigger points.


  • Regular exercise, including gentle stretching, can help improve muscle flexibility and reduce tension.

Heat Therapy

  • Applying heat to affected areas can help relax muscles and alleviate pain.


  • Modifying work habits and posture to reduce strain on muscles.

Stress Management

  • Techniques like deep breathing and meditation can help reduce stress-related muscle tension.

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to build optimal health and wellness solutions. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, prevent injury, and help mitigate issues through adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal problems.

Personal Injury Rehabilitation


Jafri M. S. (2014). Mechanisms of Myofascial Pain. International scholarly research notices, 2014, 523924.

Kojidi, M. M., Okhovatian, F., Rahimi, A., Baghban, A. A., & Azimi, H. (2016). Comparison Between the Effects of Passive and Active Soft Tissue Therapies on Latent Trigger Points of Upper Trapezius Muscle in Women: Single-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 15(4), 235–242.

Nicol A, C. M., Hsu E, Ferrante M. (2018). Myofascial Pain Syndrome. Science Direct, 207-212.

THORNE. (2021). Understanding Muscle Pain, Fascia, and Myofascial Release.

Shah, J. P., Thaker, N., Heimur, J., Aredo, J. V., Sikdar, S., & Gerber, L. (2015). Myofascial Trigger Points Then and Now: A Historical and Scientific Perspective. PM & R: the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation, 7(7), 746–761.

Cleveland Clinic. (2023). Chronic myofascial pain (CMP).

Yoo W. G. (2015). Comparison of activation and change in the upper trapezius muscle during painful and non-painful computer work. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 27(10), 3283–3284.

Bron, C., & Dommerholt, J. D. (2012). Etiology of myofascial trigger points. Current pain and headache reports, 16(5), 439–444.

Learn How to Perform Trapezius Self Massage for Pain Relief

Can individuals who sit for long hours daily prevent tight neck and shoulder muscles by improving their posture, regularly stretching, and massaging their trapezius muscles?

Trapezius Self Massage

The trapezius muscle is a triangle-shaped muscle in the upper back that starts at the base of the neck, spans the length of the upper shoulders, and extends into the middle back. This muscle’s main function is stabilizing and moving the scapula/shoulder blade. The trapezius also helps to move the head, neck, arms, shoulders, and torso, stabilizes the spine, and plays an important role in posture. Physical and mental stress can tighten the trapezius muscle, leading to neck and shoulder pain. Learning to perform a trapezius self-massage can ease tension and provide pain relief. (Domingo A. R. et al., 2017)


The trapezius consists of three parts in three different areas of the back. The bottom of the skull, across the shoulders, and down to the mid back. A trapezius self-massage focuses on the upper portion of the traps. This part is located at the top of the shoulders. To find the upper trapezius, cross one arm in front of your body so that you can place the palm on top of the other shoulder.

stock photo trapezius anatomy muscles isolated on white d illustration

For a trapezius self-massage, you need to know that there are two areas where your upper traps start and where the muscle connects to a bone. The first point is on the bottom of the skull, close to the center of the back of the skull. Start there with your fingers and trace the muscle down the back of the neck to where the shoulders widen. If you get lost, You can walk your fingers up or down the muscle on either side to relocate its origin at the base of the skull, the vertebra at the base of your neck that sticks out. This is C-7, another of the upper trapezius’s origin sites. (University of Washington Department of Radiology, 2025

Massage Technique

Massage oil is optional but can hydrate the skin during a massage. You can perform the trapezius self-massage using your hands.

Start at the Base of The Neck

Choose one shoulder to work at a time.

  • Raise the arm on the opposite side of your body.
  • Reach this arm across your body and fold it around your neck so that your fingers rest at the back base of your neck.
  • Apply a decent amount of pressure to the muscle while moving your fingers in a circular motion.
  • The action is similar to kneading dough.
  • Massage this area at the base of your neck for about 30 seconds to start.
  • If this part of your muscle is sore, you can massage it longer.

Slowly Work Out Towards The End of The Shoulder

Once you have spent about 30 seconds massaging the muscle at the base of the neck, work your way out toward the end of your shoulder.

  • In close increments, in your fingers across the trapezius muscle, spending at least 30 seconds at each point.
  • Follow the muscle until you reach the end of the shoulder.
  • Apply enough pressure, and use slow, rhythmic movements so that you feel relief.
  • If the pressure is not relieving or makes you wince, it’s too much.

Repeat as Needed

Repeat each side two to three times before switching to the other shoulder. After massaging, you may notice a certain trapezius area is particularly sore or tense. Zero in on those areas a little longer. Remember to relax throughout the trapezius self-massage. This is an opportunity to learn where tension is in your neck and shoulders and how to apply pressure to relieve it. This knowledge can also help you be mindful throughout your day, whether sitting, doing chores, or other physical activities. If you notice scrunching or slouching, massage the trapezius and remind yourself to keep your shoulders relaxed.


Tension and tightness in the trapezius muscle are common, particularly among individuals who work in an office, do manual labor, or deal with a lot of stress. (Marker R. J. Campeau S., & Maluf K. S. 2017) Trapezius strains are a common overuse injury that is more likely to happen when the muscle is tight. (Salavati M. et al., 2017) The injury can cause unhealthy posture to avoid the pain. This poor posture will place more stress on the muscles, leading to a cycle of poor posture and chronic pain. A trapezius self-massage can benefit in many ways, including:

  • Improved blood circulation
  • Better quality of sleep
  • Improved posture
  • Improved range of motion
  • Decreased swelling
  • Faster recovery after workouts
  • Reduced risk of injury

Seeing a Healthcare Provider

Like any other muscle in the body, the trapezius can be injured and requires special treatment to recover. Sometimes, the neck or shoulder pain may not come from the trapezius muscle. Consider seeing a healthcare provider if you have pain in your neck or shoulder that doesn’t get better within a week or two, especially if it isn’t responding to at-home treatment. Regardless of how long you have been experiencing pain or stiffness, contact a healthcare provider if it prevents you from getting adequate sleep or interfering with daily activities. Reasons to see a healthcare provider immediately for neck or shoulder pain include: (Mount Sinai, 2025)

  • There is sudden pressure or pain in the left shoulder, which can sometimes signal a heart attack.
  • A fall or accident resulted in pain, swelling, or problems moving the neck or arm.
  • If there is shoulder pain, a fever, swelling, or redness.
  • The skin on the shoulder area appears discolored.

It’s important to take regular breaks to stretch and move your muscles. You can release tension in the trapezius by doing shoulder shrugs throughout the day and stretching regularly. When the trapezius feels tight or sore, give yourself a massage.

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to build optimal health and wellness solutions. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, prevent injury, and help mitigate issues through adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal problems.

Whiplash Chiropractic Massage Therapy


Domingo, A. R., Diek, M., Goble, K. M., Maluf, K. S., Goble, D. J., & Baweja, H. S. (2017). Short-duration therapeutic massage reduces postural upper trapezius muscle activity. Neuroreport, 28(2), 108–110.

University of Washington Department of Radiology. (2025). Trapezius.

Marker, R. J., Campeau, S., & Maluf, K. S. (2017). Psychosocial stress alters the strength of reticulospinal input to the human upper trapezius. Journal of Neurophysiology, 117(1), 457–466.

Salavati, M., Akhbari, B., Ebrahimi Takamjani, I., Ezzati, K., & Haghighatkhah, H. (2017). Reliability of the Upper Trapezius Muscle and Fascia Thickness and Strain Ratio Measures by Ultrasonography and Sonoelastography in Participants With Myofascial Pain Syndrome. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 16(4), 316–323.

Mount Sinai. (2025). Shoulder pain.